What a delicious combination. One that provokes deep sensuous emotions and experiences. Experiences which take us out of the daily grind and lift us into a place of belonging and acceptance
If you can make one person smile, if you can lift them up when they feel lonely, isolated, depressed, something shifts in the whole universe.
Reaching one person is simple. This is what Chocolate and Coffee Breaks is all about.
Sharing a chocolate and cuppa with someone is part of our daily life. It transcends all cultures. In doing this, we meet each other as equals. There is something about sitting with someone with a cup in our hands and the warmth of the liquid that allows us to open up and speak with a little more freedom and compassion than we might otherwise have. It brings us into a place of listening, being ready to hear the other’s story. Being ready to open up to find out who they are and to find that sameness that you can connect with.
Share a Chocolate, Have a Cuppa,
Enjoy a Conversation, Change the World.